
manuscripts, journal articles, essays, textbooks, research, newsletters, corporate reports, grants, websites, press kits, blogs, résumés, letters, curricula, dissertations, stories

Copyeditor and Proofreader: Sally-Ann DelVino

Copyediting and proofreading to edit grammar, mechanics, and usage for clarity, consistency, coherency, and correctness

Experience in all major style books including CMS, MLA, APA and diverse in-house and customized style sheets

Hardcopy and electronic editing using Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat Professional, Nuance, and in-house and public-domain web-based methods

Specialization in copyediting and proofreading translations


The qualitative craft of contemporary usage, mechanics, grammar, syntax, and format for clarity, consistency, coherency, and correctness of language and style.


The quantitative craft of checking the final manuscript for correctness and consistency in typesetting, formatting, file conversion, grammar, usage, and mechanics.